The Heart Balm Ball, hosted by Wake Family Law Group, raised more than $45,000 for children’s mental and emotional health this Valentine’s Day. Proceeds will benefit the Lucy Daniels Center’s Family Support Fund which helps bridge the gap between what families can afford to pay and the actual cost of services.
The inaugural event was a sell-out. Partygoers bid on exclusive auction items, gave generously during the evening’s Fund-A-Need live auction, and danced to the sounds of the Central Park Band. Delectable cuisine was provided by Rocky Top Hospitality, who also participated as one of the in-kind sponsors. “Our firm has been searching for a worthy organization to help for quite some time. We are very pleased that the Lucy Daniels Center accepted our offer to host this event and that some of our colleagues have helped sponsor the Ball. The “heart balm” title and the choice of Valentine’s Day for the event are intended as a kind of inside joke for our family law colleagues as we all recognize the irony of having divorce lawyers celebrating that one day specifically reserved for romantic love. We can’t think of a nonprofit organization here in Wake County that does more for the emotional health of children of divorce as well as for children in intact families than the Lucy Daniels Center,” Marc Sokol, a partner with Wake Family Law and this year’s event chair, stated. “We are grateful to Wake Family Law Group, the community of family law attorneys, supporters, and sponsors who all made this event such a success. Family difficulties inevitably impact children, sometimes to the extent where they need professional help, and we are also grateful that we are here to help so many of these families at the Lucy Daniels Center,” states Dr. Don Rosenblitt, executive and clinical director of the Lucy Daniels Center.